Sunday, October 23, 2005
The Funny Part ......
............. is that this was made without a trace of irony.

And this. I just don't know what to say. I'm not sure if the ballet or the football one amuses me the most.

And I'm so going to buy the medal for Demon Possesion and everytime someone annoys me I'll start humming and rubbing the medal. Or the one for Bowel Disorders.


Blogger dizzy von damn! said...

the ballet one is creepy.

not to be sacrilicious or nothin', but i'm not sure a grown man should be dancing so close to a little girl in a tutu.

Blogger Minoa said...

The majority of those statues creeped me out. I think that the gymnastics one was nastier. Or the golf one.

As for the saints, you can pretty find one for everything. They even had one on there for the Internet.

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