Ok, I'm not going to get into the issue of abortion here, but I will tell you part of my personal philosophy is that if you tell a woman not to have an abortion, you are assuming responsibility for that child.
I have a neighbor, I'll call her V. She's the mother of Tilly, the worlds cutest redhaired two year old. She knocked on my door the other night and burst into tears. Her boyfriend is leaving her, she just found out she's pregnant. She ran down her options.
She knows she could find wonderful adoptive parents. That's what she'd planned to do with Tilly, and she discovered that there are so many couples waiting for a caucasican infant that she could have her pick of adoptive parents, she didn't have to worry about her baby's future. But when it came right down to it, she said she just couldn't do it, she couldn't give Tilly away, and she says she's sure the same thing will happen if she carries this baby to term. What can I say to that, I've never been in her shoes, I can't imagine how hard that decision would be.
And she knows she can't afford to raise another child. She manages to raise Tilly on a fast food worker salary only because it's supplemented by a lot of friends and family and she can't increase the burden on them.
She really doesn't want to have an abortion.
The way I figure it, it's an issue of money. Isn't that horrible? A small human life vs money? V's a GREAT mother. The world could use more kids raised by kind and loving mothers.
I make decent money. And of course I'd be willing to spend it on such a important cause. But here's the thing. Say something in my financial situation changes. Say I can't afford to keep this baby in diapers anymore. I'm not the one that suffers. V, Tilly and the new baby are the ones that suffer. So it's so easy for me to say, "Have the baby, I'll help you." I'm not taking a chance here.
Well, I know what I need to do. I have to make sure V's taken care of. I could start by helping her get a better job. I have to find other people willing to help her.
My church would be a good place to start. Maybe thats what I need to learn from this. I need to go out and ask. Practice what I preach, 'cause like I said, people LIKE to help a worthy cause.
You can't help everyone, but you can help the person standing in front of you.
See the movie "the Constant Gardner"
you have a good heart but sometimes there is only so much you can do.
do your best, but you can't do everything!
together we probably could though.
just sayin.
You're right about not taking the moral high ground without thinking through the consequences. Too many people where black and white specs when they give out advice. The world is full of other colours too, and lots of grey. I hope your friend's ok.
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