Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Reason I Should Carry A Camera # 1,927,557
I saw a kid riding to school, backpack and all, on a unicycle. I wanted to stop and tell him he was awesome, but he seemed kinda tippy and I didn't want to distract him.


Blogger dizzy von damn! said...

that's what i would have done.

i have started carrying a camera because i'm just sick of missing these kinds of opportunities.

Blogger Sven said...

I was in a traffic jam last year and this kid on the pavement was riding his bike alongside and making rude gestures at us.

Happily, he was so busy trying to wind us up he didn't look where he was going and went straight into a huge bush and flew right over his handlebars in to the middle of the bush.

The traffic was slow moving enough that we were still stood right next to him when he crawled out of the bush with a rather sheepish and embarassed look on his face.

Blogger Michael said...

VJ, I've got bad news. Renee was all "OHH, MIKE..UHH...I AM USING THE CAMERA NOW, YOU JUST NEED TO SHOW ME HOW IT WORKS...UHHH...UHHHHHH....UHHHHHHH." so I gave her a 1 month grace period for her to develop healthy camera using habits. If she doesn't, I'm teefing the cam and sending it to you right away :).

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