........... when Ma Homie in Marketing paused and considered for just a teeny-tiny second my suggestion that the slide show on the new plasma screen in the lobby show cute pictures of my cats.
........... the clack of hardsole shoes on wood floor as you do your morning mail rounds. Ladies, do you remember the first pair of shoes that made that noise? Didn't you feel that in that moment, you had grown up? Whenever I hear the sound of my own heels like that I remember that feeling, when I was 11 years old and I got a pair of black dress shoes and spent two days walking all around the tile in the house, practicing making that noise, consistent on both feet, confidently, without hesitation. I can even do it to convey different moods, just with the noise. I can do Quietly Authoritative, Upbeat Happy Feet, Aggressive Bitch, and I'd Rather Be Dancing. I'm sure 'Rezzie knows what I mean.
........... the song Happy in the Meantime by Lit.
Oh yeah. Yes, yes. I totally know what you mean. I remember my first pair. I even remember the first time I noticed a girl in my class owning a first pair, in second grade. It is the teacher click-click-click. Attitude, baby. I used to wear my mother's silver strappy engagement sandals around the house in the basement, until I finally got a pair of my own. *hugs memory to self*
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