Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Anything For My Chica, Crass Personality
Seven Things I Want To Do Before I Die
1.) Spend a month living with the Amish. Just to see if I can do it.
2.) Climb something I'm not supposed to climb, like the Sphinx or Brent Hyden's parents' house.
3.) See what the stars look like from each continent.
4.) Adopt a child
5.) Start a charity
6.) Host Sat. Night Live
7.) Have a garden of only white flowers

Things I Can Do
1.) Sew. Like, really. I can make you a quilt, a shirt, a costume, a teddy bear, curtains, you name it.
2.) Memorize really long passages of books, scripts, speeches, movie dialong.
3.) Carry on a rational discussion while crying.
4.) Convince you I'm awake. Convincingly, articulately, while moving, talking, and in one case, eating. While completely out, dead to the world, asleep.
5.) Like Crass, I can KISS. You think you can kiss? Bring it. We'll have a kiss-off. Or, I'll just provide references.
6.) Wrap presents and tie awesome bows.
7.) Know when you're hurting or upset.

Things I Cannot Do
1.) Jump rope.
2.) Blow a bubble in gum.
3.) Give up coffee.
4.) Remember what day of the month my phone bill is due.
5.) Remember whether my mother's birthday is Feb 26th or Feb 28th. (Yes, I'm terrible)
6.) Pronounce french words, to save my life.
7.) Pretend to care about Paris Hilton.

Seven Things That Attract Me To The Opposite Sex
1.) Individuality
2.) Intelligence
3.) Kindness
4.) Creativity
5.) Comfort in own skin
6.) Humor
7.) Concern for others

Seven Things I Say Most Often
1.) What do I know, I'm only 24.
2.) I like you. Lets be friends.
3.) Be the change you wish to see in the world.
4.) Ok, just breathe. (to myself)
5.) This too, good or bad, shall pass.
6.) Stop. This moment, drink it in.
7.) Shut up and listen. (to myself)

Celebrity Crushes
Hmmmm. I don't think I could think of seven celebrities. I mean, I find some of them attractive, but I have no idea if I'd like them at all in person. I used to think Heath Ledger would be the coolest fun person to hang around. I mean, that's GORGEOUS man and doesn't he just seem like you could totally just hang around and drink beer with him and joke around and put your feet on his coffee table and laugh? Totally crushable, right? But JR used to hang out with him a lot when Heath was dating JR's friend and no one could stand him and his attitude. And if you can't trust Heath Ledger's laid back act, who on earth's can you?
I'm too disullusioned to answer this.

Seven Bloggers I Want To Do This
Jonny, just because he'd manage to interpret all the questions oddly.
David. I know, he doesn't have a blog, but he should.


Blogger Michael said...

according to your attractions, you and I should be married.

Blogger Jonathan Bradshaw said...

OK then, you asked for it VJ....

Blogger Valancy Jane said...

Ike, darling, we ARE married.

Don't you remember that one night we got really drunk and woke up a priest and had him marry us?

You didn't remember, did you?

Well, if you want out, remember this is California.
I get half your stuff.

Blogger Valancy Jane said...

Oh, and Jonny?

I'm BEGGING for it.

Blogger luca said...

I can totally help you out with Brent Hyden's parents' house.

Blogger Valancy Jane said...

*looks to the left, looks the right*

*looks left again, then right again*

*lowers voice*

So Nick, we're on, whenever you wanna come visit me?

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