Thursday, September 22, 2005
Another Actual IM Conversation
Valancy Jane says:
Oh sweet holy mother.

Thérèse says:
Now what???!?!? *gets stressed*

Valancy Jane says:
I knew Weird Girl in Accounting (married) had a crush on Quiet Guy in Supply Chain (also married) but this has gotten way out of hand.
It was nice of her to plan him a baby shower for his new son.

Thérèse says:
Are you saying that WGIA and QGISC are...

Valancy Jane says:
It was VERY nice of her to track down EVERYONE in the company to sign the card.
It was pushing it when she asked for donations to buy things for the baby.

Thérèse says:
Are you saying that WGIA is just really, really...

Valancy Jane says:
(He knows none of this, mind you.)
It was extreme when she (without even consulting QGISC's wife) went out and bought basically everything the baby needs, presumably out of her own pocket because as far as I know, no one gave her money because everyone prefered to buy him a gift themselves.
And it's just plain silly that she got caught in the doorway of the lobby because she bought so many ballons and a cake and stood there, stuck and demanded that I come untangle her.
Mind you, GQISC doesn't know any of this, nor will he appreciate it, I'm guessing.

Thérèse says:
She's out of her tree.
Either that or she wishes it was her baby.

Valancy Jane says:
Really. When I say she WEIRD, I really do mean WEIRD.

Thérèse says:
Jeez louise.

Valancy Jane says:
I have the most horrible urge to go in the conference room and remove all the decorations and the cake and when she comes down to fuss over them again, I'll pretend to have no idea what she's talking about. "Ballons? What ballons?"

Thérèse says:
Ok, so right now I am the little devil on your shoudler saying...
Who will know???
Hee hee hee hee hee.

Valancy Jane says:
I could release them. This sad sick little party should not be their destiny.

Thérèse says:
Do it.
Have you done it already?

Valancy Jane says:
I can't do it to her.
She's sad and lonely and it drives everyone nuts but my pity wins out.


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