David - "Yeah."
VJ - "So that would be that unit, right?"
David - "I think so.............."
VJ - *spots neighbor on balcony* "Excuse me sir, do you know if someone just moved into that unit?"
Neighbor - *mumbles something incoherent*
VJ and David - *realize that Neighbor is VERY high on something, and possibly also drunk*
David - *knocks on C&K's apartment door*
Neighbor - *looking at David and reaching into his apartment* "You into skateboarding?" *holds out (I kid you not) half a skateboard, broken across the middle*
VJ - *looking at David to avoid making eye contact with Neighbor, really glad David is there*
David "No."
Neighbor - *holds half of skateboard out* "Any interest?"
David - "No."
Neighbor - "Any intests at all?"
VJ - *worries that Neighbor is dangerous, still looking at David, letting him handle Neighbor*
David *non-commital, calming tone* "Yeah. Some."
Neighbor - "Are they light or darkness?"
David *thinks for a sec, obviously doesn't want to set this lunatic off, not sure what sort of answer he's looking for* "Well, they're hard to classify."
David and VJ - *trade glances, realize that C&K aren't home and decide to leave*
Neighbor - *looks down at skateboard, seemingly just realizes that only half of it is there* " Oh, man. This is MESSED UP."
David and VJ - *catch each other's eye and silently nod*
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