Thursday, August 18, 2005
What Comes to Mind When You Hear the Word......
..snow? *flings body down onto ground* SNOWANGELS!!!!! *five minutes later, she freezes to death*

..rain? Walking in it, in the trees in Minnesota.

..tornado? "Weeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!"

..summer love? "Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!"

..Jon? Robert.

..Mike? Ma' Homie in Marketing

..Shea? Lotion

..banana? B-A-N-A-N-A-S.

..dizzy? Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

..Laura? Ingalls Wilder

..Juan? My large stuffed animal horse Gwen, windows rolled down, singing along to the radio.

..white? Men in rumpled linen suits, sipping lemonade.

..peppermint? That one play I did, where I got sick and had to always be sucking on hard candy to keep my voice.

..New Found Glory? JR. He really likes that band.

..placebo? Sugar pills. Yummmmmm, sugar. juice? Diner waitresses that call everyone "Hun."

..candid camera? Dream job, man. DREAM JOB.

..sister? Always wanted one. Security.

..hate? My own fingernails digging into my palms. Blank notebook pages, filling them up with words.

..President? You could not pay me enough to take that job. High school.

..rap? My own butt.

..pop? Guilty pleasure.

..rock? Smoke machines.

..punk? Eyeliner.

..death? Six months later when you can really think about it, still feeling that big empty hole. Endless entertainment.

..duuude? You calling me?

..the end? It will be good.


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