Monday, August 15, 2005
Jonny asks........
1. What morally questionable act would you commit if you knew you'd never be found out? I honestly can't think of one. Consequences don't depend on someone knowing, and the choices you make, make you who you are.

2. What one thing do you most want to do before you die? I have a list, I'll post it someday soon. Maybe later today.

3. What is your guiltiest pleasure? Eating with my hands.

4. Do you secretly wish you had more problems than you do, because you feel then you'd be more interesting? Thank the merciful God in heaven I got over that phase when I was 19.

5. What is music? That noise in my head that I dance to when no one is looking, the one that makes me smile in such a way that everyone thinks I know delightful secrets. Which I do. It's a samba beat, or a waltz, something between those two.

6. Where is music? Where ever you look for it.

7. If you were to make a film called, "Not Being John Malkovich", what would the plot be? It would be entirely ad-libed by the actors.

8. Who would ghostwrite your autobiograpghy for you? Hmmmm. Dufel.

9. So, just how reliable are ghosts, exactly? Very, since I can't suspect them of being after money or sex.

10. Do you find it hard to be sincere about anything? I'm horribly sincere. Far more sincere than anyone realizes.

11. Do you frequently have strong urges to shout obscenities in public? Not obscenities as much as quasi-inappropriate words like 'poo' or 'penis'.

12. What is the funniest swear word? A well placed 'fuck' is funny.

13. "The pen is mightier than the sword". Is this why most poets are terrible ninjas? Not all poets are terrible ninjas, they just don't tell you about their secret ninja activities.

14. Did you like dinosaurs as a child? I was pretty ambivalant.

15. Do irrelvant questions and worries keep you awake at night? Used to. Now as I turn off the lights, I deliberately pick something nice to think about, and I dwell on that as I drift off.

16. Do you walk around your house naked when nobody else is home? Of course.

17. A snowball or a cat - which would last longer in hell? A cat. I don't think a cat would be phased by hell at all. Cats are some of the worlds most adaptable creatures. Cats and Ike.

18. How many hours a day do you actively contribute to the common good? I like to think I put at least 4 hours a day into the comman good.

19. How many emotions are there? Enough to last a lifetime.

20. Can you keep a secret? Oh yes.


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