Monday, August 22, 2005
I Probably Love You If......... (idea stolen from Lou)
.......... If you've NEVER ONCE said, "It's just a [reference to the species of any of my ailing or deseased pets]."

.......... If you play an instrument. Barefoot.

.......... If you've ever asked me to name something for you.

.......... If you can open jar lids and reach things off high shelves.

.......... If you don't panic when I cry. It happens.

.......... If you've ever told my you loved me, via MSN messenger.

.......... If you take lots of pictures and send/give them to me.

.......... If you don't mind explaining complicated aspects of your profession/hobby/something you do well.

.......... If you let me stick my finger in what's cooking, to taste it.

.......... If you've ever brought me flowers.

.......... If you like yourself and are at peace with the world.

.......... If you are linked on my sidebar.

.......... If my cats like you.

.......... If you call me on my bullshit, but I only listen to you if you are equally as quick to tell me when I've done something right.

.......... If, when in doubt, you just offer me tea, toast and a hug.


Blogger Michael said...

I can reach tall things off shelves, and I used a rubber band to open the sauce. Thus, you must love me ;P

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