Thursday, July 21, 2005
Random Images That Make Me Happy.

The dashboard of my car, as taken by Lou, who gave me the lobster keychain as well.

Crytic message Coco, Lou and I left for the busboy or waitress.

This was my horse when I was a teenager, Snicker. Yes, the one I rode through the house.

And this is my step-gramps, Grandpa Patrick.


Blogger Minoa said...

Your granddad looks like a lot of fun. Like, someone you might want to go surfing with, then build a bonfire and dance the sacred Ju-Ju StarGazer's dance with. In the morning, he'd make blueberry crepes with peanut butter.

Blogger Valancy Jane said...

*gasp* You KNOW him?

Blogger Thérèse said...


See, that is the kind of thing that just makes your day if you're a waiter and bored.

Or, it makes you run. But either way, really... Bound to shake up your day some.

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