Wednesday, July 20, 2005
Happiness ISN'T........
.......... the fact that I STILL have no shower. I was told this was a 2-3 day project. It's been over a week. And every night I've been promised that it would be finished tomorrow and every night I come home and it isn't. Frankly, I'm pissed.

And here's the kicker. He went through my diary.

I'm not kidding. He left me a note on the page right next to what I'd just written, telling me it would take EVEN FUCKING LONGER to finish my shower. IN MY DIARY!!!!!!!!!!!!
And yes, it's obviously a diary and yes, there is plenty of other paper around.

I'm filing a complaint.


Blogger Minoa said...

I had no idea you were capable of using the f-word! wow...
File it. Make copies. Submit one for every day that he was late. Then submit one from your diary.

Blogger Valancy Jane said...

Yes, I am capable, and *whimpers*, it was my DIARY. The most personal stuff imaginable.

Blogger Bake Town said...

Wow - what a creep!

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