Friday, July 22, 2005
Cheers to .........
........... Courtney Cox. For throwing her hat in the Tom "Runs His Mouth Too Much" Cruise / Brooke "Strong, Beautiful, Soul-Baring Mother" Shields ring, with her own tale of post-partum depression.
Anti-depressants are a deeply personal decesion, and everyone's body reacts to them in a different way. For some, it's not for them. For many, it's the only reason their baby still has a living mother, or that a husband stays with a wife rather than becoming a ward of the state. And I think to critique a woman for doing what she feels is best for herself and her family, for seeking help to be a better and more whole person/mother, that's unexcuseable.
And were exactly does Tom get all this experience with post-partum anyway, he's a man, and he doesn't even have the second-hand experience, as his children are adopted. (Which is lovely, I'm just saying, Tom hasn't even had to help a wife through post-partum.)

Think of it this way, who's kid would you rather be right now? Brooks (or Courtney's) or Toms? I'm just saying.

Dooce (who has an amazing story of her own battle with post-partum depression) once quoted a friend as saying, "Beware of those who claim to love motherhood, but have hate toward mothers themselves."

So Courtney, you do what you feel makes you a better mother, and I'll be here throwing all my support and prayers your way.

............ Dove. For using utterly beautiful women in their ads.

Believe me, there is nothing like working with Jr. High age girls to make you realize the true damage of the unreal beauty standard put out by the media. I think our idea of beauty needs to expand, not narrow. (pun o' meter score?)

............ this. Just 'cause.


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