Tuesday, May 03, 2005
What I'd Miss If I Were...........

  • The way CoWorker, She of the Lovely Curls says in her Ecudorian accent, "What is this regarding about?"
  • Augie singing for no other reason than I turned the faucet on.
  • I wouldn't miss the sound of cell phones going off in the movies, but I would miss the hushed and hurried tones people use to get off the phone as fast as possible. "Hiyeahcan'ttalknow-what?-I'llhavetocal.......Hedidwhat?I'll call you ba.......... I'llcallyouback.I'minamovie.Thatactiononewithwhat'shisname.It'sok. I'llcallyoubacklater,ok?"
  • The sound of my blinker, which sounds like popping a snapple cap.
  • The song, "Storms in Africa" by Enya.
  • The soft rustle of wind in palm trees.
  • Crickets
  • The sound of board game pieces rattling in a box.


  • The way sun filters through tree leaves.
  • Pictures in fashion magazines of women with their shoes off, walking down an exotic beach, arm in arm with a local man.
  • The exact pattern of freckles on JR's arm.
  • Painting my toes with glittery nail polish.
  • Seeing the remsemblance between babies and their parents.
  • Doing quick checks in the mirror to see if I've spilled anything on myself.
  • Watching someone's fingers glide over the strings of a guitar.
  • Finding where someone made notes in a old book.
  • Balance. (My inner ears have been screwed up my whole life, and my balance is 90% visual.) When I close my eyes, I tend to fall over. Without my sight, I'm sure I'd fall over A LOT.
  • The sheen of polished wood.
  • The satisfying sight of a cupboard crammed with cans of soup.


  • Having everyone understand me.
  • Trying to request a song you don't remember the name of, and not being able to hum the chorus either.
  • Being able to talk with my hands full. (On the upside, I'm sure no one would care if talked with my mouth full.)
  • Making that 'oooooh' and 'awwwww' sound over presents at a babyshower.
  • Striking up conversations with most strangers.
  • Singing while I cook.


  • Touching people's hands while we talked.
  • Dancing in the kitchen.
  • Sex (Which I know would still technically be possible, but you know what I mean. Being an active participant, so to speak.)
  • Mixing dough with my hands.
  • Jumping on the bed.
  • Swinging my feet until my flipflops just barely almost fell off.
  • Washing dishes. It's very zen.
  • That lovely feeling right after you're stretched.
  • Flipping a backpack up onto my shoulder.
  • Climbing trees. Yes, I still do that. What? Oh, shut up, I am NOT too old.


Blogger Isho said...

its because of posts like these that im starting to get pissed off you are not trying hard enough to get published... GO!!

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