Wednesday, May 25, 2005
What's with all the [movie who's name I won't say for fear of encouraging Google to route people here] searchs bringing people here?

I'm not going to list them, because that will probably just put me higher in the search list. But seriously, I DON'T KNOW HOW TO MAKE A LIGHTSABER!


Blogger michael.dufel said...

srawrats commentary: Good and Evil are just points of view. Good = God's point of view. Evil = any other point of view.

Blogger michael.dufel said...

srawrats commentary: What the movie does not answer is why selflessness(jedi) is inhrently better than selfishness(sith).

Blogger michael.dufel said...

srawrats commmentary: Notice how skywalker is unable to alter fate even when he sees it coming. Predestination alert!!!

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