Thursday, May 19, 2005
Believe it or not, her grades ARE actually improving, despite my help.
I tutor Coco in Algebra. But we tend to also study philosophy, science and character development("X is a loner, always trying to be alone on one side of the equal sign.") along the way.

So last night we were discussing functions and function notations.
"So Coco, see how the domain and the range are all neatly lined up, in pairs? They're like, you know, each other's lobster."

"So the Domains are like Ross and the Ranges are like Rachel?"

"Yeah, exactly."

*skip ahead to learning imput/output*

"So, Coco, the imput goes in as Ross and comes out as Rach- ......... ABANDON METAPHOR, ABANDON METAPHOR!!!!!!!"


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