Friday, May 13, 2005
Actual Google Searches that have led people to this page.
If I didn't know that "a whole lot smoother than a camel's back" was a line from a song by Train (and a very good song I might add) I would be very scared right now.

"guest book of Bill Jr's Sunrise Tire 2005" I can't decided if this is a drink recipe or a tire company that takes it's customers VERY SERIOUSLY.

Did I ever mention "Vino Tinto", "Sandra Cisneros"? Doesn't ring a bell to me.

"Political Greetings" Sorry, dude. 'Please spay and neuter your pets' is about the most political statement you're likely to find around here.

"more than 1phone in a home" Again, sorry you ended here. You must have a 13 year old daughter.

"valancy jane" Welcome. I think you found what you were looking for.


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