Thursday, April 28, 2005
Today lets talk about freckles.......
......... I have loads.
If you wanna know what my freckles look like, take a pack of Crayola Fine Point Markers and pull out the brown one. Dot the marker on your arm. That dot will exactly match the ones on my arm.
I learned this as a kid and used this technique to scare the crap out of my mother. I would add freckles so that they formed words on my arm.
"Mommy, it looks like the words 'spawn of satan' are forming in the freckles on my arm. Can you look?"
"Don't be silly, dear, I'm sure it's - OHMYGOD!"
That's still funny to me.
But mostly I've just been wondering whether it would be the height of self absortion to chart my freckles as in star maps and name the constelations. So far I've noticed that the two tiny-ity-bity ones in my lip that look like the star constelation the Hunting Dogs.

But anyway, Coco is drawing pictures of demented animals and giving them to the sales guys, who don't know how to react.
And speaking of demented animals, go here.


Blogger Unknown said...

The Headflop bunny's are hilarious! Where on earth did you get this site?

Blogger Minoa said...

We need a name for the Ghost in the cubicle. Help!

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