Tuesday, April 12, 2005
OUR Earthquake.
There was a small 4.1 earthquake this morning at 4:05am. Nothing much, I just like telling non-locals 'cause it freaks you people out. *giggle* I heard this one coming because Dulce had woken me up by her little insistent 'mew's. She can sense the earthquakes coming, and usually lets me know about 5-10 minutes before they roll through. Not just cute, our Dulce-cat, but handy, also. Most earthquakes you can hear coming, it sounds like a wave rolling in, (which is because that's pretty much what the earth usually does.) Then when it hits the building you're in, it gets loud. That woke most of my neighbors, gave everyone a good shake, which wakes you better than coffee. A few of us popped out heads out to make sure the power lines were still up, say hi, and wander back to bed.

The cool thing about this one, that makes me mention it, is that unlike most of our earthquakes, this one wasn't a leftover aftershock from somewhere up by LA. The epicenter of this one was three miles outside of El Cajon. This one was OURS. I'm very proud of that.


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