Monday, April 25, 2005
I would like to take this opportunity to apoligise to a guy we REALLY TRIED not to laugh at.
In high school my friend Katie, her sister Kristina and I were all sitting in her dad's car in the Costco parking lot. This guy strolls by, sees us, and begins doing that 'look at me' strut, trying to get our attention. It wasn't that we were giggling at him, so much as his utter self-consciousness. It was so obvious that he saw us, and wanted us to look at him but he wouldn't just look at us and smile. He's got a Costco shirt on, and some bungee cords over his shoulder, so we correctly guessed that he worked for the store and was bringing the carts in.
A few minutes later he comes back by, pulling about 8 million carts behind him. He's still trying to do the 'look at me' strut, but he was bent over double pulling the carts, and the effect was just that he was waving his butt in the air. We turned our heads sideways to avoid him seeing us giggle. We really were trying to be nice.
So just as he gets even with our car, HE RUNS OVER HIS FOOT WITH THE WHOLE LINE OF 8 MILLION CARTS. Now he's hopping up and down, holding his foot, swearing up a storm. Katie, Kristina and I have to dive to the floor of the car now, to avoide letting him see us laugh. I managed, between bellows of laughter, to say, "Should we go help him?" Katie says, "Only if you can do it with a straight face. He'd probably rather have a broken foot then have girls openly laughing at him."
By the time we pulled it together, he was gone.
Sorry dude.


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