Friday, March 04, 2005
Begin this sentence, please.
"........... takes courage."


Blogger Jonathan Bradshaw said...

[I really enjoy this game].

Streaking at a football match...

Eating Chinese food in public with your hands tied behind your back...

Urinating out of a hotel window...

Reading Kant's 'Critique of Pure Reason'...

Listening to 'Free Jazz' or 'Metal Machine Music' through headphones...

Asking your Mum what 'lesbian' means, age 11...

Blogger Melina said...

Telling someone you love them when you're not sure of their feelings...

Blogger Bake Town said...


Blogger Thérèse said...

Accepting defeat...

Eating an onion, even if it is on a dare...

Waxing for the first time...

Owning up to a mistake when you could let someone else take the fall...

Letting someone see the real you, faults and all...

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