Tuesday, February 01, 2005
To Sven, Jonny and Pete, who might visit, and to MooCow, who has mentioned moving here........
......... I would like to point out that it is 84 degrees here today. In January. Yesterday it was 86. I'm just saying.


Blogger Thérèse said...

Can I just say... yowsah?

Blogger MooCow said...

1. Open your box of 96 crayons.
2. Find the color "envy" - it'll be in the green section.
3. Color the MooCow.

Blogger Jonathan Bradshaw said...

Sorry, but such extremes of temperature would actually kill me.
Jealously? Give me miserable English drizzle any day of the week.
You'll have to do better than that VJ.

Blogger Minoa said...

hmm.... it's snowing here. why i am at work, i have no idea. last month, there was a day or two where we were able to hang our laundry out to dry. it's very pretty though.

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