Thursday, February 10, 2005
Oops. I think I threw off her whole day.
The Postage Stamp is an apartment on the second floor, in a row of apartments. So I have neighbors below me, that I never hear, except when he yawns. He yawns FREAKISHLY loud. The neighbor to my right, I have never once heard. Even when you speak to him in person, you can barely hear him. He's a lovely neighbor, for that reason and the reason that he still has his christmas tree up, which makes me feel smug and superior by comparison. But really, he's the perfect neighbor and I should leave him a note telling him so. On my left is another quiet neighbor, but for some reason that wall seems thinner. Since our apartments are mirror images of each other, my kitchen and bathroom walls are also her kitchen and bathroom walls.
I think she uses me as her alarm clock. See, my alarm goes off at 5:45AM and I hit the snooze button most mornings. So the actual time that I get out of bed and into the bathroom, varies by about a half an hour. But as soon as I flush the toilet, I hear her get up and open her bathroom door. By the time I've stripped outta my pjs and am in the shower, I hear her toilet flush and her shower start. Like clockwork. Every morning.
So the other night I woke up at like 3AM and had to pee. After I flushed and washed my hands, I heard her in her bathroom.
"That's weird," I thought to myself.
It wasn't until I hear her shower start that I realized what I had done to her. I should leave a fruit basket by her door or something.


Blogger T said...

LoL! I probably would be tempted to have done that *on purpose*..but probably only half an hour early and then gone back to bed for a bit - not 3am! Aww, pooor lady! I know, I know, it's mean :-S

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