Thursday, February 03, 2005
If there is anything that can get Happy Valancy Jane down...........'s watching her friends suffer and not being able to wave a magic wand and fix it. Which is not to say I feel helpless, because I know I can offer sympathy and prayer, which I know is valuable. It's just that I'm really the most impatient person EVER and I hate to see the people I care about suffer. I want poor 'Prince'/'Friend I Used To Be Like' to be finished with, free and clear of a horrible situation he doesn't deserve to be in. I want Svenny to feel better. I want poor Col's friend to be able to fast-forward to the day months from now when all the proactive choices she begining to make result in her being happy and peaceful and feeling loved. But these things take time. And in the meantime, things might suck for them. And I must watch and wipe tears and offer sympathy and pretend that it isn't ripping me apart to watch them suffer, and not shake them and say, "Get better already!" because even in my impatient and selfish mind, I'm still vaguely aware of the fact that it's not about me, but lordy, I hate this.
Then I go pray my most comman prayer, "Daddy, help!" (Yes, I call God 'Daddy'. Whatever. Shut up. That's between me and Him.)

Then comes peace.


Blogger T said...

Awwww, that's so cool that you call Him "Daddy". Funnily enough, our minister was preaching on God as a Father on Sunday and said that too people see Him too often as the stern Father figure, and not as "Daddy"

It does suck watching friends work through things, but I'm sure it'll be easier for them having a friend like you to support them :)

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