Wednesday, February 02, 2005
A Fairy Tale
Once upon a time, Ferdinand*, Prince* and Valancy Jane sat in the courtyard of their castle late at night.

Ferdinand said, "Happiness is a choice. You choose it or you don't."

Prince said, "I am happy, except for one thing."

Valancy Jane said, "I'm happy."

Prince said, "That's true. Ferdinand, even when she cries, she's happy."

Ferdinand said, "That sounds like it should be a song. 'She's happy even when she cries.....'"

Valancy Jane said, "Hmmmm, that song would need a banjo."

Ferdinand said, ".......And there's tears in her eyes............"

Valancy Jane said, "And it would need to be uptempo."

Ferdinand said, "....... pooling up by her toes............"

Valancy Jane said, "The video would have to somehow include a baby duck."

Ferdinand said, ".......... and snot is running from her nose..........."

Valancy Jane said, "No one ever asks me why I'm happy. Guess that an answer you have to live, rather than tell."

Ferdinand said, "Why are you happy?"

Valancy Jane said, "Well, my happiness comes from choices that I made, but the choice wasn't to simply ignore reality and paste a smile on my face. My happiness is based on reality and facts. It ties into what we were talking about earlier, my new mantra, 'Live Truth'. I dont' live out a 'positive spin' or 'unrealistic hope'.
Fact, I've made my peace with God. Which makes it really easy to be at peace with all His creation, everyone and everything else. Who's left to be angry at?
Fact, I've invested in tomorrow. Between surrounding myself with great people, and knowing what I want out of life, the odds are good that I will have a happy life. And if bad things happen, I've been through enough crap (FACT!) to know I can survive it. And if it kills me, well, I have a very real faith in a heaven that's more beautiful than anything I can imagine. What's left to worry about?
Fact, I know why I get up every morning. I know why I'm here, or at least I know enough of the reason that I feel incredibly fufilled. What more purpose could you ask for?
So my happiness is born of these facts, not of sticking my head in the sand and refusing to face real life. Because it's a fact that bad stuff happens. To good people and bad people alike, sometimes. And my hope is not based in denying that or saying 'Oh well'. It's in knowing that I'm equipted to handle real life. And what is true of me can be true of anyone."

Ok, Valancy Jane didn't really say that. She just wishes she had been ready with the words.
But she did live happily ever after. I'm sure of it.

*Names changed, because they didn't ask to have their souls bared on the internet.


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