Monday, February 07, 2005
So last Friday I was chatting on the phone with Sven and Pete. (Do you like how casually I threw in a reference to an international call as if I do that all the time?) Sven or Pete (sad to say when they are both on the line, I lose track of who is who sometimes) said it was nice that I didn't do the "typical North American thing" and squeal about how cool their accents were.
What Sven and Pete don't realize is that I live in California. The nucleus of the melting pot. Do you know how many accents I hear in an average week? And I'm not talking just people of another nationality or American regional accents, I'm talking about recent immigrants with an accent.

In my own apartment complex, there my Adorable Jordanian Neighbors, and the tiny asian woman, who's 258 year old boyfriend can barely make it up the steps to see her.

At work*, just off the top of my head, I can think of the English guy in QC, the Russian gal in Sales, the Nigerian man in the RMA dept., the Ukranian man in sales, the girl from Ecuador in order processing, the Chinese man in something technical, he tried to explain it to me and I didn't understand, the Italian woman in production, the Philipino guy in recieving, the Mexican guy and gal in production, the Mexican woman in engineering, the Thai woman in SE, and the cleaning lady who doesn't even speak english, only spanish.
That's not even counting all the accents I hear over the phone. People call to order from all over the world.

*These people have names, of course, but I don't think I should post them.

There is is the Korean woman who does my nails, the Italian couple who run my favorite resturant, the Mexican guy at the mexican food place on the corner, the Caldenean man at the liquor store and so on and so forth.

So Sven and Pete, you do have lovely accents, (a bit sexy, really). But I'm a sophisticated woman of the world. So of course, like any sophisticated person would do, I waited until after we were off the phone to grin and squeal, "Ohmygosh, they sound so british!!!"


Blogger Thérèse said...

Note to self - If I'm ever talking to an individual with an accent, totally fake blasé-ed-ness.

Who'm I kidding? I go nuts for Scottish and Australian accents. And certain British ones. (The rest really don't count. My parents have accents for crying out loud.)

I completely and totally would giggle for the first two minutes, and have a really hard time listening to anything they said if I were talking to either Sven, or Pete, or Jonny on the phone. I know it. I only wish I had a cool accent. Forget my Maritimer Canadian accent (which is completely NOT like the american accent, thankyouverymuch). Like, maybe French. Actually, I can fake that pretty well.

Note to self II - If ever so lucky as to have an international phone call involving Sven and Pete, fake a sexy Parisian accent.

PS - Love how you threw that in there ever-so-casually, VJ dah-link. You are so cool.

Blogger Jesster said...

My British friends used to make fun of my accent when I lived in England. They said I had "big round o's." I'm from the Midwest, I can't help it!

Blogger Pete said...

those accents you describe are 'foreign', ours are 'english' there is a big difference in the braggability scale if you ask me!

Blogger beaky said...

I don't get why people think the english accent is so great. What's good about it??

Blogger Sven said...

lol 'sexy' accents hahaha.

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