Friday, January 14, 2005
A walk in the park
I'm attempting to incorporate more exercise into my daily routine so that I can continue to eat in the unhealthy way I love some much (and encourage in impressionable young people) and lower my stress level, which inexplicably seems to be climbing rather high, despite the fact that I love my life. So last night JR and I took what I hope will become nightly walks to the park and back. I found a great playground there, with serves as my motovation. I ride the bouncy horse thing and go up the ladder, around the swinging bridge, through the tunnel and down the slide. All the while JR is standing off the side, trying very hard to looks as though he doesn't know me. Then past the basketball courts, where I shouted "I'm open, I'm open! I suck, but I'm open!" to a bunch of slightly less than amused players. Then over to the Rec center, where I used to take classes from my favorite teacher, Miss Kincaid. There was a class going on and I peeked in at the girls doing tondues and rond de jamb a terre (the spelling on that is almost certainly wrong) at the barre. I miss dancing. Then on the way home I saw a man with a small dog (like Paris Hilton, fit in your purse size dog) and asked if I could pet it. The guy said, "Sure, shes a little yappy, but she won't bite. Which turned out not to be true. She did in fact bite me. I never really like small dogs, but I would be interested in one like that, that looks non-threatening, but then suddenly lunges at anyone who gets too close, that would be cool. Like when you are in line somewhere and some weird guy is standing way to close behind you. Or when you are on a train reading a book and some oddball thinks this means you are lonely and he should sit down and tell you all about his ex-girlfriend. I could use a dog like that in times like those.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You make me laugh so hard I can hardly breathe.

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