Tuesday, January 25, 2005
THATS why they wouldn't bring me a knife with my meal.
A large portion of the traveling that I have done, I have done in the company of my brother Jesse. He's a good travel buddy, which is rarely found. And he haggles good ticket prices, and seems to enjoy handling all the little details like that. And he can be very charming and is never afraid to ask for an upgrade. So it never surprised me when he would get us pre-board tickets, meaning we could get on the plane first, before the mothers with strollers and people in wheelchairs. I never bothered to ask how he managed it, until one day when we got on before a old man with a walker and it occured to me that this seemed odd. When I asked Jesse, he looked down and said, "Don't worry about it." I finally drug out of him that he had been telling the ticket agent that I was crazy and that he was my 'guide'. He said I needed calm and quiet, and that crowds or sitting next to a crying child made me 'prone to outbursts'. Our preboard tickets were typed 'Medical'.
I have a feeling that I should feel sorta guilty about allowing him to do this. But in truth, I thought it was very creative and smart. Shame on me.


Blogger Unknown said...

That is excellent! I might even try it on Friday. I just wonder if my wife will find it as funny as I do. LOL!!!

Blogger Unknown said...

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Blogger Thérèse said...

lol lol lol

Blogger Jesster said...

Did you ever have an "incident," just to prove that you meant business?

Blogger Valancy Jane said...

I'm sure my "normal behavior" is someone's "incident".

Blogger Karen said...

omg..that made me laugh.


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