Friday, January 14, 2005
Side effects may include scratched paint on car and inability to apply mascara.
So this stupid finger brace on the middle finger of my right hand, it's driving me crazy. (I broke my finger about a month ago.) Its coming off soon and not a moment too soon as far as I'm concerned. I've relearned how to type, using other fingers to hit the keys 'i' 'k' and the comma, so that's fine. But I can't hold any sort of stick in my right hand. And we handle far more stick-like objects in our daily life then I had realized. The following are things I cannot hold with my right hand.

Pens - I can't 'just jot this down' or make notes on my calender or sign my own christmas cards.

Chapstick - Using my left hand, I've accidently applied it to my nostril twice.



Knives - You can imagine the mess I'm made in the kitchen using my left hand.

Spatula - I've actually flung eggs behind the refridgerator.


Toliet Brush

Kitty litter scooper - That's not something you wanna spill all over your bathroom floor.

Any sort of make-up in a tube - Which is basically everything but blush.

Toothbrush -



But on the upside, holding chopsticks is actually easier.


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