I'm the luckiest girl in the world. Seriously, the world loves me. I'm not sure why it does, but I love most of it right back. I love wrapping presents. Flowers are important. That TOTALLY wasn't me who prank called you, I swear. I love to grocery shop. My boyfriend loves to cook. I can't get enough of kissing him. My bicycle has streamers on the handles. I think if people wanna know about my faith, they'll ask. I look young, and sound old. I love chaos, so you'll always find pets and teenagers around my house. I always have at least one book in my purse. At camp in high school, I was voted "Most Talkative." UNANIMOUSLY. I dance at the slightest provocation. This blog is my mirror, my publicist, my calendar, and my most flattering angle. I am its pushy stage mother. And apparently, I'm important enough to get hate mail. Sweet.
Blogging from sunny San Diego
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That's nice. I wouldn't open a speech with it, but it's nice.
I just found out that a kid down the hall from me at school died. He was the nicest guy in the dorm. I see him with his girlfriend all the time. They always looked very happy. They should have been able to spend another day together.
i was thinking the same thing this morning (friday) and every morning when i hear about some accident on the radio traffic report. I usually listen to this as im dressing up for work, and i think to myself that the person involved in the tragic event also dressed up for a normal day just like me.
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