Wednesday, November 17, 2004
Hybrid Post/Cry for help.
Note, thanks to my dear blog friends, it appears I have that link thing down. Am I cooler now?

I got the idea from Sven to write a review of the blogs I read. But unlike the talented Sven, I don't know how to put the links on the sidebar of my blog, and this post illustrates the sad secret that I know nothing about computers and everything I know I have learned from other people's patient explainations. So hopefully this entry with copy and pasted addresses will inspire/sufficiantly annoy someone into explaining how to post links. I would also like to know how to do that thing where you click on a word and the word is a link. That would make me cool.

My very first blog friend. Shares my love of old movies, tea, rotary phones and Audrey Heburn. Unlike me, a talented artist, a skilled mountain climber and can write in a way that makes you feel you can see right into him. Helped me figure out how to post pictures. He strikes me as the kind of person who would let you cry all over his shoulder.

One of my precious Jr. Highers. A joy to know, Coco's inner radiance lights up even her blog. Smarter than she realizes, she has a gift for drawing people out and making them laugh. You can't tell this from her blog, but she has a laugh that sounds like a bubbling spring. Her collection of amusing t-shirts is unmatched.

I occasionally steal funny stuff from this blog.

Heather B. Armstrong aka Dooce
I have gone back and read every entry on her blog. She is my blogging idol. She feels like an old friend, and sometimes I have to remind myself that we've never actually spoken and she doesn't know me at all.

Satisfys an unholy urge to mock celebrities' clothes. Well written, gossipy and more decadently fun than a tabloid.

I would buy a plane ticket to DC just to hug her. And she wouldn't be weirded out by that. She would understand.

The sunniest little soul, the kindest commenter, and someone I hope will be my friend.

She's making homemade christmas presents for her friends and is a tea drinker. I want to be her neighbor when we are old ladies.

Sven will really make you think. Sven has a lot to say, and I'm glad he's says it. Sven's 'Dear Pat' posts are wickedly funny. Sven hates hypocriscy and that endears him to me.

Jonny has an incredibly creative mind and quick sense of humor. If I had kids, I would ask Jonny to babysit them. I am teaching Jonny to speak American, and he is teaching me to speak English. There is no doubt in my mind that he is smarter than me.

The Future is Coming
He can prove it with science and a piano.
He is either far smarter than me, or completely insane. I wouldn't bet on either.

If Pete lived in the area, I would invite him to every party I throw.
One of these days, Pete will cast me in one of his short films. (*crossed fingers) He seems a bit like a runaway train, and a very fun one at that.

Writes the longest sentences and the best short plays. He would have been a secret agent, but was thwarted by lack of walkie talkies.

I read Matthew for the vicarious thrills of owning a house that cost less than 500,000 and of having a real career. He's also a very sympathetic commenter.

My name twin, and a very good pumpkin carver, she understands the grown-up thrills of a low electricity bill. I would party with her.

A very poetic soul. Looking forward to reading more of her posts.


Everything you wanted to know about a town called Bakersfield.

Sites I reccomend.

Art Car Agency


Bug Creek Soap



Blogger Minoa said...

yeah...i'm the freak.
so, i started to read your current post, then sent you two emails on how to link. i think you already figured it out.

from the misguided.

Blogger Minoa said...

woohoo! good job on the links! you're gonna be a linkin' fool now =)

Blogger SG said...

Thanks for the link to Sara's photographs- they are amazing! Hope you don't mind, I have linked you as well ;)

Blogger Minoa said...

yes yes, very cool old man. cheerio!

Blogger zzzzzoe said...

Aww! I'm not weirded out. I do understand! In fact I'm touched...and I could use a hug more often than not ;)

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